Sofía Vélez Klumpp
Sofía Vélez Klumpp
Sofía is a consultant at Löning.
She is interested in the interaction between government policies on business and human rights – and the impact of such policies on companies and other economic actors. Her previous work and research focused on environmental policy analysis and human rights and environmental due diligence in a variety of sectors.
Prior to joining Löning, Sofía gained work experience at the GIZ Secretariat for Sector Dialogues on the implementation of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. She worked with a variety of stakeholders on business and human rights issues in the automotive and energy sectors.
Sofía holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of St. Gallen.
A native speaker of Spanish and German, Sofía is also fluent in English and conversant in Portuguese thanks to a bi-cultural upbringing in Mexico and Germany.