WWF Report 2019

Content: Assessment of Human Rights Due Diligence Processes for WWF Germany

Year: April 2019

Language: EN

Keywords: National Actionplan (NAP), UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), wildlife conservation, human rights due diligence, risk management.


Conservation projects not only face security challenges with regard to organised wildlife crime, but often they are located in conflict-affected settings, where corruption is widespread, and the rule of law is weak in many ways. Working in these environments includes cooperation with government agencies, such as administrations of protected areas and nature conservation authorities. The UNGPs provide a framework to tackle these challenges through a robust due diligence process.

This report identifies gaps in the human rights due diligence process of WWF Germany, linked to selected conservation projects in Africa, and provides actionable recommendations.

Authors: Lisa Szeponik & Team Löning