Content: Guidelines for Businesses how to address the immediate human rights challenges that go paired with the COVID-19 Outbreak.
Year: April 2020
Language: EN
Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Responsible Business Conduct, Global Supply Chains, Human Rights Due Diligence, Transparency, Corporate Social Responsibility, Pandemic, Human Rights.
The COVID-19 outbreak has set an unprecedent global challenge, impacting people all over the world. The present crisis has a direct impact on the right to life and to health, as well as indirect impacts on other fundamental human rights. As the global economy gets hit by a huge crisis, we observe impacts on the right to enjoy just and favourable conditions of work and the right to an adequate standard of living.
In the face of the present crisis, we prepared a short briefing with 9 ideas on how responsible businesses could face the immediate challenges.
Authors: Raquel Althoff, Lisa Szeponik, Cecilia Barral Diego, Markus Löning