Meaningful and effective human rights risk management can only be achieved by a shift in the organisational mindset, putting the focus on “risks to people” rather than “risks to the company”. This fundamental change in approach is what differentiates human rights due diligence from other corporate due diligence processes and requirements.
As human rights due diligence increasingly become a mandatory legal obligation for businesses, it is critical for companies to evolve from a compliance-focused approach to implementing human rights due diligence and swiftly adopt a worker and community-centric focus in order to effectively understand the realities and impact business operations have on people and how to mitigate potential risks .
Dedicated, meaningful and participatory engagement with workers in the supply chain and affected communities can take various forms. In this Ask the Experts session, Löning invites Ulula to discuss their digital tool that provides companies with scalable solution to engage with workers and community members on the ground demonstrating HRDD compliance and commitments.
By attending this webinar, you will also learn about:
• How far a company’s responsibility goes in addressing grievances in the supply chain
• How to prioritise and manage grievances once they are reported to the company • How to implement rightsholder-focused grievance mechanisms in line with requirements of human rights due diligence regulation
• How to establish scalable and digitized grievance mechanisms
• What other companies are doing to adopt digital tools to mitigate human rights risks in their supply chains
The Ask the Expert sessions consist of a short panel discussion followed by a 20-minute live Q&A session dedicated to questions on worker engagement and grievance mechanisms.
Duration: 45 minutes
Format: 25 minutes of discussion followed by a 20-minute Q&A
Year: March 2023
Keywords: human rights risk management, due diligence, grievance mechanisms
Language: English